
February 4, 2010

Raise your Torches - It's an Olympic's Extravaganza

The opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics are just around the corner so its only appropriate that we use the Olympics as a party theme for a sporty children's birthday party! Obviously, I would prefer to do this party in the spring but in the spirit of the Winter Games, we are going to talk about it TODAY! I think it would be so much fun!I would OF COURSE order Olympic flags to hang in the yard. I would really want to find small flags for the different countries and maybe hang them across the yard or along the back fence... It would be so festive!

This would be the color palate for the party! Lots of primary color linens, plates, napkins and cups! So fun!!!

Then, you would have to create a dramatic entrance of course!!! You could easily recreate some Olympic emblems to hang on the fence or anywhere really. And use those small flags to line the entrance and the yard. ADORABLE!

Don't forget LOTS of balloons! This would be another GREAT opportunity for a balloon arch! Just alternate the Olympic colors! It would be fabulous!

How cute to make personalized Olympic bibs too for each child!!! This would honestly be sooo easy!

At the front gate, make sure you have "Athlete Registration." They can pick up their bibs and get all ready for game day! WHOO HOO!!!

The personalized water bottles are precious too! There are water bottle labels where you can just print these on your home computer! ADORABLE! They could pick these up at "Athlete Registration" too!

This is a great example of the flags for all the countries too! This is something you could print on your home computer too if you didn't want to buy the flags... This would take a bit of creativity on your part (or mine if you hire me to design and coordinate your party) but it would be cute! Also, how cute that they draped platforms for the winner's pictures. LOVE IT! Put that outside in kind of a focal point too! I would make it MUCH bigger!!!

How precious are they??? LOVE IT!!!

And of course, you CAN'T forget the medals!! SOOOOO IMPORTANT!!! I might even look into some trophies too!

Look how happy this little gold medalist is!!!

Not sure about this cake but it is pretty cute! I guess there are tons of things you could do but this is a good example!

OF COURSE... There HAS to be Potato Sack Races! That has to be one of the games... Every Kid loves it!!! You could even sew bags in the color of the Olympics too! It would be super easy!!! Just cut out a big rectangle and sew it up on three sides... DONE!

And races on the bouncy balls! This could even be a relay race with teams. Give each team the name of a country and do a fun relay game!!!

And the wheel barrow race... Always a great one! This could include the parents too!

Obviously, the options with this party theme are ENDLESS! The kinds of games, competitions, relays etc. - there are TONS! All of the kids would have a fantastic time! I would probably have t-shirts made with the Olympics symbol that said, "Seth's 2010 Summer Games" or something like that... As long as the weather is good, the kids are bound to have fun!

Until next time...

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