
February 12, 2010

Cute Homemade Valentine's Cards - Break out your scissors and your paper! I DARE YOU!!!

Only three more days... Today, I promise to be much more fun and A LOT less serious with this post! I thought it would be fun to post some GREAT IDEAS for handmade valentine's cards... These are great! Some are funny and some are more sentimental! But, I love them all! Have fun reading all of them! If anything, maybe someone will get a great idea to create a homemade Valentine's Card! You could EASILY print ANY of these on your home computer! Just download some cool free fonts and get after it! GO FOR IT!!!

This is for all you "Twilight" lovers! Those of you whose boyfriends HATE Edward... This is SUPER FUNNY! I guarantee you I know at least 10 girls who would buy this card for their boyfriends or husbands! They are "Edward OBSESSED!"

These are great! I love that they just used lyrics from GREAT Pop Hits right now.. Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga! Genius!!! See, just turn up your radio on the way home tonight and find the perfect lyrics to print on your homemade Valentine's Card...

Here's another one! The Black Eyed Peas... I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song!!! So much fun!

A little more sensitive... I love this! As you readers know... I LOVE Ferris Wheels!

This is hilarious!

SERIOUSLY FANTASTIC! Now, you would have to just print this one but there were tons of these! I love you more than: Facebook, Twitter, my iPod, my email, my iPhone... It could be ANYTHING!!!

Tooooooo funny!!!!

This one's for you Erin! My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE Pirate Girl!!!

These are darling! Right up my alley!

These are precious too!

Using old Dean Martin lyrics! I love this too! This one is letterpressed!

Ohhhhhh! Now we are talking! I LOVE THIS!!!

There is still time to make a homemade Valentine... DO IT! Your special someone will be soooo happy! It's just so special that you actually sat down and took the time to make a card. It doesn't have to be anything special... Just the fact that you did it will mean more than you will ever know. I hope you enjoyed the cards I showed today. They are available by VERY Talented designers on
I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day! I wish all of you nothing but love... If you have someone special in your life, take a moment to celebrate your story! If you are still looking for Mr. or Ms. Right, take a moment on Valentine's Day and dream... Make a list of all the important qualities you are looking for... Send it out into the universe and go about your journey! You will be amazed how quickly they will come into your life if you are just open to it. Have fun! Celebrate Valentine's Day with your girlfriends or go out with your guy friends and just have a good time! I hope you had fun with a week of Valentines... Wishing you lots of love and romance in the months to come! Happy Valentine's Day! Until next time...

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