
February 11, 2010

"A Vintage Love Story"

We are down to 4 days... And today, I have a true love story to share with you! This is one will tug at your heartstrings FOR SURE! I know I have said it a MILLION times... But, I am totally the world's most hopeless romantic and when I saw this today, I just knew I had to share it with all of you! Cause you and I both know... We all hope to someday get swept off our feet in love! I don't care how much you deny it... Deep down inside, we all are just dying for it! We want a love story! Every person's version of a love story is different and I think that's what makes love so special... Finally finding someone who shares the same hope... Finding someone who fulfills the fantasy of that story! It's so exciting when it finally happens... And though you may not "gush" about it the way I do, you know that your heart "gushes" even if its just to yourself when it does happen!


I came across this photo montage and in the spirit of Valentine's Day, I am sharing it with you! "A Vintage Love Story." The idea was designed by Wedding Coordinator Pam Barefoot. She wanted to bring a couple's story to life and I thought the idea and the outcome was absolutely captivating! Katie Stoops, the photographer, took pictures that day... The temperature what a chilling 17 degrees! WHEW! But, the gorgeous snow really set the mood for the pictures. Here is the sweet story of their relationship in photos!

They met at a train station...

They had their first date in an Ice Cream Parlor...

See... Chivalry is not dead! Ladies... I promise you! There still are chivalrous men who want to love you the way you always dreamed of... Just be patient! I am living proof!!! It is sooooo worth the wait to truly meet Mr. Right!!!

She said YES on the Ice Rink! Look how sweet this is...

It just makes my heart melt!

This wedding took place in a home that was over 100 years old...

Talk about timeless!

To all of you who worked on this wedding... Thank You SOOOO MUCH! You truly created such a lovely story to share with us. It's the perfect portrait of TIMELESS LOVE! Right??? Isn't love the sweetest?

Wedding Coordinator- Pam Barefoot, A Trendy Wedding
Photographer- Katie Stoops
Flowers- Helen Olivia
Hair & Makeup- Kim Steele
Clothes- Many Etsy stores and Vintage Clothing stores

Until next time...

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